Most of us spend no less than 40 hours in the office for the entire workweek. A few of us stays in the office more than they do in their own homes. This is one of the vital reasons why we need to keep our workplace as clean as possible.
Our health relies on the environment that we work in day in and day out. Apart from health reasons, a clean workplace creates a pleasant atmosphere that greatly contributes to employee’s productivity and contentment with their work.
Office cleaning can be tedious if you will just rely on your employees to clean after themselves.
A lot of businesses hire professional office cleaner to help them achieve the ambiance that they want to keep for their working space.
Personally speaking, I make it habit to clean at least every other day just to avoid the clutters from piling up. You can also ask your management to roll out the same guidelines on how to maintain a clean desk policy so that your hired cleaner will just look after more important things in cleaning like thoroughly cleaning the kitchen and the toilet.
Office cleaning services include the disinfecting of both toilets and kitchens. Vacuuming of the office floors, dusting, wiping and a whole lot more.
As a business who requires to hire professional assistance with this kind of service, how would you know if your professional office cleaner really fits in the job?
I will cite some office cleaning tips that we are doing in Clean Group for more than a decade. These cleaning methods are listed in our office cleaning checklist. This list helps our professional commercial cleaner to perform their duties efficiently.
Also Read: Quick Tips: Carpet and Tile Cleaning
This list also shows our customers that a certain task was completed by the friendly cleaner that we had assigned to their office. We hope that this article will serve as a guide for those who are aspiring to create or build their own office cleaning company.
What Are 7 Qualifications An Office Cleaning Company Should Possess?
First, let me share with you seven qualifications of an excellent office cleaning company.
1. Flexibility – there may be times when your cleaning schedule or the way of cleaning may need to be changed. Your company and your professional cleaners need to stay flexible.
2. Consistency – We need employees that will deliver the same high-quality service every time. This is the only way we can keep our customers happy.
3. Attention to detail – this will provide our customers with the high-quality service that they expect.
4. Take criticism professionally – you cannot take the criticism personally. Take the criticism or complaint and adjust your cleaning accordingly.
5. Communication – is a very important part of your job. Your supervisor needs to know what is going on at each location. Are supplies running low? Is there a project that needs to be done?
6. Follow Directions – Following directions to ensure everything is getting done correctly.
7. Stay within the cleaning duration. There is a time allotment for each location. It is important that it is followed.
Read More: 4 Signs of a Highly Professional Cleaning Company
The Complete Office Cleaning Guide For 2020
Again, this article will show you how to give and staying within the time allotment.
Office Restroom Cleaning Guide
Always start with the restroom. Before cleaning the restrooms, you will need a cleanser, gloves, and paper towels. You may also need additional supplies like toilet bowl cleaner, toilet bowl brush, stainless steel cleaner, toilet paper, soap, broom and a mop. Always wear gloves when cleaning the restroom. This is for your protection.
When cleaning mirrors and glass, always use a window or glass cleaner. Other types of cleaner can cause smearing. Always start with the mirrors when cleaning the restroom. Spray in the mirror, faucet, sink and sink counter. Wipe off the spots, smears, or dust from the mirror with paper towels. Then move to the faucet polishing the chrome and removing the water spots and build-up. Wipe off the sink.
Make sure that the sink is free of hair and soap. Lastly, move to the counter. Remove any spots and soap. When you are cleaning the sink and you notice that it needs extra attention, let your supervisor know within 24 hours.
Let us move to clean the toilets. The toilets need to be free from spots and debris inside and out. The professional cleaner needs to firstly spray the toilet and chrome with disinfectant. Start with the chrome, polish, and remove any spots or dust. Next, wipe the seat. Flip the seat up and wipe under the seat. Wipe the rim and below the rim.
Pay attention to the front of the bowl and move to the pedestal of the toilet. If there is any debris inside the toilet, use the toilet bowl cleaner and brush to remove anything. Toilet bowl cleaners should be used about once a week to prevent rings from building up.
If you notice that there is a ring that toilet bowl cleaner won’t remove, let your supervisor know within 24 hours. Make sure to flush when you are done cleaning the toilet.
Professional cleaners pay attention to the areas around the toilet. Look for any spots or dust and wipe down any dispensers or walls that need to be done. After these steps, remove the trash. Change the trash bags only when there is liquid, food, or gum on the bag or the bag is torn. Remove your gloves and check for any products that need to be restocked.
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Office Windows and Glasses Cleaning Guide
Office cleaning jobs include the windows and glasses too. You must use a clean rag to clean windows and glasses. Spray just enough cleaner to remove fingerprints or spots. Wipe the window until completely dry. Leaving the window wet will cause smearing. Squat down and look at the window from different angles to make sure a good clean. If the mirror is smeared or clouded and you cannot remove the cloudiness, you must contact your supervisor immediately.
The office cleaning checklist also lists the entrance of the building. This is what the customers see first when they arrived at your location. Their impressions will come first from this section. Entry should be free of cobwebs. Entry mats and areas should be vacuumed, swept, and mop every time. The entry door and window should be free of fingerprints and dust.
Insides of the Office
In cleaning inside the office, Clean Group practices integrity. Our professional cleaners are expected not to touch or take anything that is not theirs. Offices have things of value and documents that need safeguarding.
When cleaning the desk, they are only advised to wipe around the paper if the desk is cluttered. Sometimes, we advised the customer’s management that we need their employees to clean their desks of papers before we can work around them. Wiping of individual desks is suggested at least once per week but we advise our Clean Group cleaners to check once every clean to ensure the quality of the service we provide.
You should be looking for fingerprints, dust, and filth. Other services will require daily wiping like the reception desks. Most of the time, moving of items is not required but this is necessary as soon as you notice dust and dirt build-up. We suggest the cleaner to be very careful if they need to move any items on the desk.
There two ways to wipe down surfaces. The first one is wiping with a damp cloth and spraying as you go. Most of the time spraying as you go is the preferred method. You can control the amount of cleaner being used and reduce the chance of streaking.
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Office Dusting Cleaning Guide
Professional cleaners are also responsible for dusting surfaces which can include computers, computer screens, printers, file cabinets, and top of the file cabinets. Always keep your eye open for dust while doing other tasks.
Use the duster to reach areas that you cannot reach with a rag. Make sure to clean up every pile of dust after dusting if needed. When dusting, be very careful when dusting around breakable objects.
Make sure to get behind the computers and computer screens. Dusting dust with a duster may not be necessary if you dust with a rag when you wipe down. Dusting should be performed at least once a week.
Office Trash Removal Cleaning Guide
Trash removal is an important part of our service. Even if one trash can is not emptied, the job is not considered complete.
When emptying trash cans, notice if the trash bags need to be replaced. Also, you need to replace the trash bag if that is the only way to empty the trash can.
Make sure that the trash bags are tied and are neat and tidy on the can. Wipe off any drips of the can.
Offices and Meeting Rooms Cleaning Guide
Offices and meeting rooms are needed to be tidied up by pushing in chairs. Do not move anything if there are things on the table. You can work around it.
Mopping Guide
Mopping is one of the most important parts of an office cleaning job. There are different kinds of mopping but Clean Group only uses these main ones.
1. Dust Mopping – Being dust mopping by edging the area that you will dust mop, cleaning the path next to the walls or edges. Dust mop the remaining areas in a straight path or an S pattern. Overlap each path.
Always use the same edge of the job and keep the dust mop on the floor as much as possible. Shake it sharply once or twice close to the floor to remove dirt and dust. Do not push the dust mop to the liquid spills.
2. Flat Mopping – When you use this procedure, make sure to use just water only. You can use some cleaners on bad spots from spray bottles only. For the best result, use a dripping wet mop. When flat mopping, use the same pattern as you would with the dust mop.
First, go the edge around the area of the room. Then use the straight path or the S pattern for the flat mop. Rinse the flat mop as often as necessary to ensure a streak and smear-free floors.
Do not let dirt build up on the flat mop before rinsing it. The flat mop will be needed to be replaced when it cannot be rinsed clean. Place the mop in a dirty rag bag.
3. Wet Mopping – removes spots and heavy soil. Wet mopping means mop scattered spills on the floor instead of the entire floor. Always use the correct amount of floor cleaner for mopping.
Always read directions first to know the exact amount. When mopping, cleaners are advised to keep their back straight with the mophead close to your feet. Steady the mop with your one hand near the top and wring the mop with the other hand on a waist height.
There is no need to push down unless you have a tough spot on the floor. Use the same pattern as flat mopping or dry mopping. Start by edging the path around the outside of the section then mop in an overlapping S pattern. Watch the mop water as you are mopping. You will need to change the mop water out if it gets too dirty.
When you are finish mopping, rinse out the mop and dump the mop water out. Bring the mop over the wringer to dry.
Office Vacuuming Guide
Office cleaning companies provide vacuuming as one of the major job scopes. As a professional cleaner, you need to check the vacuum bag by squeezing the outer bag. You will also know that it is full because the vacuum is heavy.
Before you vacuum, pick up any paperclip, staples, rocks, pens, pencils, and any large items that may clogged the vacuum. Watch the edges for dust. When done vacuuming, wrap the cord up long and loose. This will help the cord not tangled up.
Lastly, the janitorial room or closet needs to be tidy. All supplies and equipment need to be put away and ready for the next shift. Always make sure there are two weeks of supplies on hand.
Dumpster areas or garbage rooms need to be tidy too. Make sure to break down any boxes and put them into the recycling bins if available. Pick up any trash alongside the dumpster.
We hope that this office cleaning guide helps you a great deal in establishing your office cleaning Sydney business. If you are a customer who is looking to employ professional office cleaners, we suggest that you visit our website now and let’s get started.
Now, It’s Your Turn
These right here, are the secrets on how we became one of the leaders in commercial cleaning. Did you find this article helpful? Do you think that this office cleaning guide is vital to your business?
If your answer is yes to both of these questions, please feel free to spread the word by sharing this with your boss, colleagues, staff, and friends.
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